About us
North Etobicoke Cluster at a Glance
The Community Service Website for North Etobicoke is the creation of the North Etobicoke Community Cluster of Agencies (NEC), which formed in March 2020. The idea for establishing a "neighborhood" website is to provide digital access to the residents for ongoing information regarding resources and services available to North Etobicoke. The website is seen as a viable way of getting updated information out to residents in a timely manner. Through the website all participating agencies are to be able to share crucial information about their services, programs and events. The website is monitored by the Steering Committee, which is an independent but invested body, comprised of representatives from the community service sector and residents from north Etobicoke. The Committee's primary purpose is to ensure the integrity of the website, in terms of accuracy of information presented, use of clear and respectable language and imagery, and up-to-date information.